RENT in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole rose 10 per cent in the past year, new figures show. 

Provisional figures from the Office for National Statistics show the average private rent in the conurbation reached £1,288 per month in the year to August. 

This was up from £1,170 a year prior and 29 per cent from an estimated £995 a month five years ago. 

Properties in the neighbouring Dorset Council area are up seven per cent from £922 a year prior. 

 Valuation Office Agency rent officers collect prices from a variety of sources, including landlords and letting agents, with the aim to collect data on approximately 10 per cent of the market. 

Generation Rent said rent has risen at a faster rate than wage growth across the UK. 

Ben Twomey, chief executive, added: "This isn't news to renters, who have been feeling this squeeze for a very long time as our landlords snatch away more and more of our wages. 

"The government’s Renters' Rights Bill, published last week, offers many positives for tenants, but the cost of renting crisis will rage on unless Westminster slams the brakes on these runaway rents." 

He said the bill must contain protection from unaffordable rent rises and prevent rent rises going above wage growth or inflation. 

In August, the average private rent in Great Britain was £1,286 per month. 

ONS head of housing market indices Aimee North said: "Rental prices continue to climb at a near-record rate, although the pace of the increase has slowed slightly. 

"London again saw the fastest growth in rents, with the slowest rise in the south west of England." 

The figures also show the different costs for various homes in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, from £835 for a one-bed property to £1,943 for a home with four or more bedrooms in August. 

Among the property types in BCP: 

  • A detached housed cost £1,745 to rent per month 
  • A semi-detached cost £1,398 per month 
  • A terraced house was £1,236 per month 
  • And a flat or maisonette was £987 a month 

A Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government spokesperson said: "Our landmark Renters' Rights Bill will introduce extra protections against unreasonable rent increases that stop landlords using large increases to force tenants out."