A MUSIC concert that was held in honour of a young man who died from cancer has raised almost £13,000.

In 2021, Vicki and Jonathon Searle lost their 25 year old son Henry Searle to a brain tumour after a seven year battle.

In memory of their son, Vicki and John started Music by the Sea, a one day festival held in the amphitheatre of the Prince Albert Gardens in Swanage.

(Image: Music by the Sea)

This was the fourth year for the festival that showcased musical talent from more than 20 local bands and singers.

Proceeds from Music by the Sea went towards two local charities; the Cancare cancer support group and Swanage Railway Trust’s Save Your Railway appeal.

Speaking about the concert, Vicki Searle said: “It was clear to see that Music by the Sea was a community family event and the love for Henry Searle really shone through. It was wonderful and moving.

“Against a background of determined fund raising, generous donations and kind sponsorship from individuals and businesses – and keeping costs to a minimum - this year’s Music by the Sea memorial concert attracted large crowds of people who came and went throughout the day.

“I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard to plan, support and stage the event, the wonderful singers and musicians who gave their talents for free and the lovely people who came to the memorial concert and so strongly supported such a wonderful and happy family friendly community day.

“Music by the Sea is a wonderful way of keeping Henry’s memory alive - and remembering other young people in Swanage who have died - while also raising money for local charities and good causes through the joy of music and song.”

(Image: Music by the Sea)

Swanage Railway Trust chair Frank Roberts said: "I remember meeting Henry Searle for the first time a few months after his cancer diagnosis and I still hold on to that lovely memory.

"I have been keen to help the annual Music by the Sea memorial concert in Swanage which has been supported by so many fine people and organisations and is a great community event - this year supporting two important Isle of Purbeck charity initiatives.”

Music by the Sea was held in Swanage on August 31.