BURTON and Winkton Parish Council have prepared a draft neighbourhood plan and have begun to seek pre-submission comments.

As part of pre-submission plans, the parish council has begun to look for comments from people who live, work, and carry on business in the area.

The consultation period will run for eight weeks from August 23 to October 28 with all documents available on the council's website.

A spokesperson for Burton and Winkton Parish Council said: "The plan sets out a vision for Burton & Winkton Parish which reflects the views and feelings of local people provided earlier in the process.

"[It] aims to protect and enhance the rural character of the Parish by promoting sustainable development, without succumbing to urban encroachment, in order to meet the needs of residents and generations to come."

A drop-in session at Burton community centre will be held on October 7 between 3pm-6pm.

Paper copies are also available to view at several locations which include The Bear of Burton, The Oak Inn, Fisherman’s Haunt, The Lamb Inn, Band Day Lewis Pharmacy.