A BOURNEMOUTH security worker says colleagues fear for their safety because they are not issued a stab vest while on the job.

Mitie Security is a national company that offers security guarding and intelligence services.

A worker at the security company has raised an issue with his company due to the rise in knife crime across Dorset and the lack of protection workers are offered.

This issue comes after a recent incident where the same security worker came across a large zombie knife in the toilet cubicle of a Sainsbury’s in Poole.

Read more: Large zombie knife found in Sainsbury's toilet cubicle

“As a security officer we are often faced with shoplifters who steal in front of us.

“Our main role is to act as a visible deterrent but we are permitted to stop / challenge and use force if necessary. I am fearful for my role with Mitie Security Ltd due to the lack of PPE issued when challenging shoplifters.

“A lot of the shoplifters steal because they need money for drugs, they will often sell the products to corner shops at a significantly discounted rate and use the money to buy illegal substances. The vicious circle then continues.

“I am worried one day that I’ll challenge the wrong person and he or she may have a knife, needle or another bladed article which could cause me to be in hospital with life threatening injuries.”

A Mitie spokesperson said: "We remain committed to the safety of both the public and our security officers and we encourage all of our colleagues who have been directly targeted or feel unsafe at work to escalate the matter internally."

The security worker said: “The response Mitie Security Ltd provided was vague and did not answer any particular points raised.  All security officers are not issued with PPE.

“Examples of PPE that could be issued is a covert stab vest to wear underneath the uniform, mechanical restraints, notepad, safety footwear and gloves.

“The company doesn’t issue any of this to its employees, especially stab proof vests considering there was a large zombie knife found in Sainsbury’s Poole."