A BOURNEMOUTH man living with Parkinson's in an over-60s residency has complained after months of continued issues.

David Preston, 71, has had enough of his living situation at Leonard Hackett Court in St Winifred's Road.

The property, managed by housing association Anchor, recently saw both the lift and stairs out of action to residents.

David said the lack of access was one of several problems which has included a broken roof and him being forced to leave his original flat due to leaking sewage.

David said: "What are we supposed to do? Fly out of the window? The ill and infirm have enough problems getting out with the lift broken.

"It's a joke. Anchor has proved less than satisfactory at managing this property and this is the latest in a long series of mishaps."

The lift and the stairs reopened on September 9, however, David said Anchor has asked all residents to pay £5000 to help fix the leaky roof.

Recent bad weather has meant rain has leaked through the roof which David has blamed for the closure of the stairs and lift.

He said: "About fix or six years ago they put up a new roof and the surveyor who signed it off didn't even go up because he's scared of heights.

"It's laughable because they're now going to have to replace the roof and are demanding £5000 for each of the residents, many of who can't afford it."

David moved into flat 20 a decade ago but had to be moved out of it in May after he reported that sewage was leaking into the foundations of the building.

His flat was declared uninhabitable and he was moved into a different flat while the situation was resolved.

He said: "I started noticing the smell in January and I also noticed moisture creeping up the walls, puckering the plaster.

"It's taking an awfully long time to resolve."

Anchor said the roof repairs are near completion and called the sewage problem an "isolated matter".

Marc Thorn, operations manager for Leonard Hackett Court, said: “Due to recent weather conditions, rain has affected the building so we have implemented measures to ensure the safety of our residents, including closing off the affected area.

“One property has been affected by sewage drainage which is an isolated matter.

"The resident has been offered alternative accommodation until the matter is resolved.”