A LOOSE manhole cover giving some residents sleepless nights will be repaired “as soon as possible”. 

Virgin Media has said it will send workmen to Poole Road, near to Netherhall Gardens heading into Westbourne, to fix the noisy cover. 

Residents have got in touch with the Echo to say the loose iron cover is clanging loudly every time a vehicle drives over it. 

One 92-year-old Westbourne resident, who asked for anonymity, said: “The traffic goes up and down but I haven't been out to see it as I can’t get out. It’s a bit of a devil.  

NOISY: The manhole cover clangs every time a vehicle drives over itNOISY: The manhole cover clangs every time a vehicle drives over it (Image: Daily Echo)

“It happens about every night, but on some nights it doesn’t seem as bad because I’m in the land of nod.” 

The manhole cover is directly in line with the wheels of buses when they pull up at the bus stop. 

Another Westbourne resident said the manhole cover has been loose for about the past month and he has reported it to the council. 

However, BCP Council has said it is not responsible for this specific cover. 

The Westbourne resident added: “The cars are having to swerve around the manhole cover, particularly the Deliveroo and moped riders. It’s only a matter of time when there will be an accident. 

“There’s a bus stop there and buses drive over it, so eventually a sink hole is going to appear. It’s already starting to slope down.” 

A Virgin Media spokesman said digging work will be needed to fix the problem, and that the company is waiting for permits to be approved before doing the work. 

He said preparation work is now going on behind the scenes, including drawing up maps of potential problems such as gas lines or electrical lines. 

He added: “We are aware of the manhole cover in question and we apologise for any inconvenience experienced by nearby residents.  

“Our team were already working to gain the necessary approvals before the Echo contacted us, and we will send a team to complete the necessary repair works as soon as possible.”