TEMPORARY restrictions will be in place while seasonal flood defences are deployed along a seafront. 

The wave barriers will be put in Heritage Square, Swanage between 8am and 1pm on Tuesday, September 17. 

Access will be restricted for motorists and pedestrians in Heritage Square and to the parade, which will be closed off during work. 

Swanage Town Council said: “It is recommended that residents seek alternative parking arrangements before the deployment commences.  

“Pedestrian traffic will be diverted along the parade to re-join the High Street at the Mowlem Theatre.  

“We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this restriction.” 

The wave barriers form part of the flood defence scheme delivered by the Environment Agency, aiming to reduce the risk of coastal flooding in Swanage. 

Meanwhile, the Flooding Swanage with Art community art project panels will be installed again this year.