LARGE boulders have been seen falling from the cliffs at Lulworth Cove, its rangers have said. 

Rangers at the Jurassic Coast and Purbeck landmark have warned visitors to be aware of falling rocks and boulders. 

Heavy rainfall in recent days has caused landslides and unsteady cliffs, making slips even more likely. 

The rangers at Lulworth Cove and Durdle Door said: “Please be aware that our team has been noticing more rockfall, including large boulders from the cliffs above the landslip at Lulworth Cove.  

“With the heavy rain that we've been experiencing, we would like to reiterate our advice of being extra cautious around the coastline, especially at the base and tops of cliffs. 

In March, footage was captured by Poole resident Rob Payne out on a family walk of rubble and rocks falling down the cliff edge, forming a pile blocking part of the pebble beach at Lulworth Cove.  

While the slip at the beauty spot lasted around 40 seconds, it wasn’t as another one captured on camera by Bournemouth resident Andy Stone, 59, in February. 

The Jurassic Coast Trust said: “The Jurassic Coast is constantly eroding. This erosion has created the beautiful coastline that we see today, but it’s important to remember that rock falls and landslides are part of this process.  

“Although they are more likely to occur after heavy rainfall or storms, rock falls and landslides can happen at any time. 

“The Jurassic Coast is a wonderful place to visit, but it’s important to use common sense and caution – and always pay attention to warning signs and messages about how to stay safe.”