WHAT a terrible surprise and disappointment.

On one of our nice days I decided to go to our lovely beach, i.e. Hengistbury Head.

Normally I would ride my bike this day I wasn't feeling up to scratch, so I decided to drive our car.

I put a few quid in my pocket and off I drive.

I arrived at the car park only to find I'm unable to park as it appears I have the wrong currency.

The machine would only accept a mobile phone or a bank card both of which I have not with me. Have BCP forgotten that we have a currency in this country and authorised by King Charles.

I realise that I'm getting on a bit but has King Charles discontinued the use of his currency or should I say our currency.

I am very disappointed older gentleman that pays his council tax on time. Not like some people as mentioned in your paper's article.

David Freemont

Richmond Park Road,
