A Dorset care home has raised £700 for charity through two garden open days.

The events, held at Colten Care's Brook View in West Moors, were part of the home's ongoing commitment to the National Garden Scheme (NGS).

The shared effort of the community, including admission charges, donations, and sales of plants and hand-made craft items from the home's residents, successfully gathered more than £700.

The collections were divided with £168 donated to NGS charities and £534 given to Stronger Together Across Ringwood and Fordingbridge (STARF), Brook View's chosen community cause for this year.

The STARF organisation aims to fund and support families and individuals struggling with poverty, debt, and mental health issues.

Brook View opened its gardens to the public under the National Garden SchemeBrook View opened its gardens to the public under the National Garden Scheme (Image: Colten Care)

The sun-filled afternoons saw more than 70 visitors marvel at the variety of flowers and plants displayed in the home’s gardens.

The Brook View’s companionship team leader, Lauren Parrett, said: "It was a joy to open our beautiful gardens to the public once again, all in aid of charity.

"Our gardeners have been working tirelessly throughout the year to produce a wonderful and peaceful space for our residents, relatives and community to enjoy.

"Residents were proud to show off projects they have been working on such as outdoor decorations, hedgehog homes and hanging lanterns made in arts and crafts sessions."

Visitors were treated to afternoon tea, homemade cakes, and live music performances from accordionist Debbie Murphy and pianist Kevin Pritchard, a member of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra.

More than 70 residents joined the open day eventsMore than 70 residents joined the open day events (Image: Colten Care)

Mary Angus, the assistant county organiser for the NGS in southeast Dorset, said: "When I get to be in a home, I wish I can come to a home like this.

"The atmosphere is incredibly warm and friendly."

Rosa Leicester, a resident at Brook View, said: "The weekend was wonderful, there was something for everyone."

The NGS allows public access to more than 3,500 private gardens annually to raise funds for major health and nursing charities.

Another home under Colten Care, Woodpeckers in Brockenhurst, is also participating this year with open days on Saturday, August 31 and Sunday, September 1.

For more details on garden openings, visit www.ngs.org.uk