A RESIDENT has been left upset after a permanent bus shelter has been installed outside her house.

Lynne Simmons, 78, has been left frustrated after a temporary bus stop, which was made outside her property on Wimborne Road, Poole, in February 2024, has been turned into a bus shelter.

Installed in July, Lynne has complained that she has received abusive behaviour from those using the bus stop.

She said: "Half of the people who use the stop I get on great with. We have a chat, I always say good morning to them and a lot of them live around here that I've probably never met.

"But I've had others such when the chap cutting my hedge had a woman screaming and shouting at him. The abuse that came out her mouth, I just stood there and froze."

Lynne shared that the woman then continued to lie on top of her fence, which is spiked to stop people sitting on top of it, and refused to move.

She said: "She laid across the top and I said 'would you mind removing your body off there?' She was screaming and by the time the police got here, she was gone.

"They reckon only eight buses go by here a day. I've counted nearly 30. I get up about 9am and there are queues often waiting to get on the bus.

"I didn't buy my house with it there, why is it dumped outside my house?"

Despite her dislike for the shelter, Lynne has found herself responsible for keeping it clean after litter and other objects, including ketchup, have been left on the seats.

When asked why, she explained that if she doesn't, "it'll either end up in my garden or make my house look terrible."

A spokesperson for BCP Council said: "The installation of the bus shelter was part of the original plan, and does not require separate consultation.

"The resident’s complaint has been fully reviewed by both the council and the ombudsman and no evidence of fault has been found."

The council confirmed the original public consultation took place between February and March 2021.