A MAN has been banned from hunting, owning certain animals and multiple other conditions as part of a criminal behaviour order.

On September 26, 2023, over the course of two separate incidents, a member of the public was assaulted and another had equipment stolen from them.

Shane Cooper pleaded guilty to assault and theft at a hearing at Poole Magistrates on July 19.

Not owning a wild animal or attending any hunt are just two of many rules Cooper must follow as part of his criminal order.

Following a further hearing on August 14, a criminal behaviour order was secured.

The order states Cooper must:

  •  Not to attend any location where there is a hunt taking place, whether that be pre-planned, informal, or organised.
  • Not to attend, loiter, or be near any hunting activity or to associate with any person linked with any hunt at the time of such activity. Should he find himself in such a condition he must remove himself immediately.
  •  Not to act or incite others to behave in an anti-social manner, that is to say, a manner that causes harassment, alarm, or distress to any persons.
  • Not to be on any private land without prior written permission from the owner or legal representative of the land and to produce any such written permission when asked to do so by a police officer.
  • Not to enter any farm premises, yard, barns, outbuildings, gardens, driveway, or any other such land attached to those premises.
  • Not to cold call at any residential or business premises. Calling at any residential address or business premises can be made with a prior appointment and agreement by the occupant or a person with authority to act on behalf of the occupant.
  • Not to be in possession of a wild animal, wild bird, or part of a wild animal or bird living or dead in Dorset without being able to prove where it came from
  • Not to be in possession of a catapult or shot such as ball bearings, pebbles, or similar items capable of being used as shot or be in a vehicle with a catapult or such shot, in a place to which the public has access or private land as a trespasser.

The order is in place until further order or until March 8, 2025.