A DEER had to be put down after being found caught in barbed wire.

A roe buck was found caught with its leg in barbed wire fencing in Blandford. 

Vets at Moyles Court Wildlife Rescue rushed to the animal’s aid but the damage to its leg once freed, was unrepairable.

After the rescue, the deer was taken to the wildlife hospital where doctors made the difficult decision to euthanise the animal.

A spokesperson for Moyles Court Wildlife Rescue said: “We receive many calls from a very wide area regarding deer. 

“Some were involved in RTCs, others found in inappropriate places and many caught in stock or electric fencing.  As we have a small, experienced deer-handling team it is not possible for our team to attend every call, we can only do our best. 

“If we receive a call that we are unable to attend we will consider each situation and advise accordingly. 

“Our team attended this young roe buck caught in barbed wire stick fencing in a remote rural location.  Upon arrival, he was released from the fencing, made comfortable, and brought back to our hospital for assessment. 

“His wounds showed that he had unfortunately been hanging in this fence for many hours and had suffered unrepairable damage to both back legs.”