THE BLUE POOL visitor attraction near Wareham has applied to Dorset Council to retain two treehouses and toilets for use as holiday accommodation.

The building have been in use for almost two years, without planning permission, which the estate is now seeking to rectify, on the advice of the council.

Local architects, Morgan Cary, acting for the attraction, say the two treehouses and toilet unit are in a secluded area of woodland just off Blue Pool Lane, adjacent to the visitor centre, and are completely obscured from public view. All three structures were built in the autumn of 2022 with the treehouses each having less than 25 square metres of floor area.

Another Blue Pool planning application, currently being considered, is to retain a rope bridge across a gulley adjacent to the Pool.

The centre is also asking for habitats regulation approval for camping on the site from now until September 1st and again from September 6th until September 22nd.

Public comments on the proposal to retain the treehouses and toilet block remain open until August 23rd.

The Blue Pool is a naturally flooded former clay pit which has been open as a tourist attraction since 1935.