A SERVING Dorset Police dog handler has praised the work of a national charity.

PC Sue Hillier has been in the dog unit at Dorset Police for 17 years and was a former police officer for 22 years.

Launched in 2022, The National Foundation for Retired Service Animals (NFRSA) is a national charity that supports over 300 retired dogs and horses from the police, fire, prison, border force, national crime agency, and NHS services.

(Image: NFRSA)

Sue was also a dog handler to Rodney, a firearms police dog as well as a drugs and cash sniffer dog.

(Image: PC Sue Hillier)

Once Rodney turned eight, he retired from the service to live with Sue and her husband.

Unfortunately, the retired police dog took a nasty fall while in retirement which led to a broken shoulder.

After initial scans, it was found that Rodney had bone cancer and Sue had him put down at 11 years old. She added: “It was the kindest thing to do so that he wasn’t suffering.

(Image: PC Sue Hillier)

“And that's when the NFRSA kicked in, It was a little bit surreal and so warming and lovely and just knowing that the costly vet bill was covered.

“As dog handlers, we turn up first on the scene to a lot of horrific things, so having somebody at the other end of the phone who is just so easy to talk to is just great.”

Sue has spent a lot of time with the NFRSA, she added: “I also had a German Shepherd police dog who couldn’t get it into her head that she was retired so she ended up going back to her home in Devon.

“One day I got a call from the NFRSA saying she had been put down after a medical incident and as her previous handler, it meant a lot that they reached out to me, it was really lovely of them.”

The charity added: “We have helped several dogs from Dorset already.

“It's always incredibly hard to process those applications as it comes with so much heartbreak, but it is wonderful to be there for the grieving families.

“We supply regular medication for RPD Indy, as well as RPD Ozzy who has medication for epilepsy. We have also supported RPD Orla who had to have a cancerous tumour removed from her paw.”

(Image: UGC)

The charity was also praised by a retired police officer who also served in Dorset Police with RPD Indy, a firearms support dog and general police dog.

Speaking about the NFRSA work, Indy's owner Tina said: the NFRSA have done a really excellent job of promoting what they do and supporting the retired police dogs,  giving emotional, practical and when needed, financial support.

For more information, visit: www.nfrsa.org.uk